Habits Naturally

I settle into my desk chair after being out of the office. Looking down reading, my right hand rests on my Apple Magic Trackpad in order to wake up my MacBook Pro. Looking up to the stand where my computer sits on my desk it's empty. Out of habit, I quickly slide my fingers side to side thinking, "Why won't this thing wake up?"

It computes in a nanosecond: There is no MacBook Pro on the stand. Not on my desk. Not in my hand. "You are looking at thin air, Doofus." I laugh out loud. Really.

My MacBook Pro is where I left it. On my coffee table. And I am a Doofus. Really.


I wish other habits came so naturally as resting my hand upon that trackpad.

I wish when I am lazy, I'd naturally work purposefully.

I wish when I feel angry, I'd naturally bridle my temper.

I wish when I think judgmentally, I'd naturally assume kindness.

I wish when I desire gluttony, I'd naturally restrain appetites.

I wish when I react pridefully, I'd naturally exercise humility.

I wish when I am tempted, I'd naturally resist all advances.

I wish my bad habits—all those default sinful shortcomings—did not come so naturally.

I wish good habits—as those of exercised in the life of Christ—did come ever so naturally.

I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life I live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20, KJV

"Not I, but Christ."

That exchange is not unnatural. It's supernatural.

Make it a habit. Supernaturally.

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Biggest Problem

So often the biggest problem with me is me.

Just me.

I am my own biggest problem.

Not the circumstance I find myself in. Not the choices of others.

But the stuff within me. That seeks to control me.

Fear that stymies courage.

Pain that hinders growth.

Pride that conquers all.

I've seen the enemy. And he is me.

My own evil desires. My sin nature within me. My compulsions toward control, posture, pleasure, image, recognition, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, laziness. These and so many more lurk within. And they lurch for control.

And, bless my heart, I'm stuck with me. You think you've gotta it bad putting up with me sometimes? Well, you don't have to live inside this head. I gotta put up with myself all the time.

Or do I?

Can I somehow replace all that desires evil and ill with something that is better than I can imagine or achieve on my own?

Can I surrender self?

Can I hand-off my biggest problem?

Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God's action in them find that God's Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn't pleased at being ignored. Romans 8:5-8 MSG

Having made that life changing handoff, let me resist wresting control back again. Or again. Or again and again.

What's your biggest problem?

How do you handle it?

Please share your comments or this post. And, as always, you are most welcome to subscribe.


This Wednesday morning our rough & tumble four year old, John Mark, was ready for his first day of preschool.  Ever.  Big brother & big sister had already left for elementary school.  In fifth & second grades, they were old pros.  And, besides, they'd started school last week.  Now for three afternoons a week at three hours each he'd be in school too.  He was so excited.

He ate breakfast with purpose.

He got dressed without delay.

He was ready for the day.

Then he asked his Mama, "When do I get to go to preschool?"

"After lunch, John Mark."

"Can we eat lunch now?," he queried.

As adults we know that my wife meant four hours later.  As a kid he was ready to move the hands of time. Whatever it took to get to preschool sooner was whatever he was willing to do.  Two meals in a row not being too much.

What do we look forward to so much that we'd speed up time?

Eat a second meal when we are already full from the first?

Do we anticipate anything like that?

It is Sunday afternoon now.  We had an amazing worship service this morning.  I am so thankful for God's presence.  For the love of an amazing church family one for another.  I look forward to days like today.

Are we willing to move time to expereince God this way regularly?

Do we anticipate time alone with God so much that we'll do whatever it take?

Would we surrender our own desires to find God's?

Would that God would give us such divine anticipation.

Ask to Act

How often do we try too hard?

Seek to do too much our own?

Fall guilty of not fully trusting God with the big stuff?

Control versus surrender.

Fear versus faith.

Expedience versus patience.

Leading versus following.

When the need is bigger than our ability.  Larger than our resources. Grander than our imagination.  Then we must call on God.

If we are disciples, Jesus is our Master.

Our place is to follow.  To rely on him.

Stop trying.  Start praying.

Our job is to ask.  His is to act.