
If you were a guest at the Householder house tonight, you'd see a scene similar to this.  We'll be snuggled up on the couch.  I'll have a kid under each arm.  The littler ones. The third one, big brother, within reach.  Of all things, we'll be watching WIPEOUT, but we'll be having a great time.  Who knew you could make falling down so much fun?  And we'll be laughing & talking & having fun. Together.

We're not a swan family, but I do love my chicks.  And I look forward to times when I know I'll have them nestled under my wings.  Me & mine.  Nothing better.

As I was thinking through my day early this morning, I got these two pictures in my head.  The one I just described about my family.  The one you see here with the swan family.  And that word the word "nestle" came to mind.  It means "to lie close & snug, like a bird in a nest; snuggle or cuddle."  It comes from a Middle English word, first recorded in 1547 in reference to person settling or snuggling.  Just like a bird in it's nest. It's an intimate word.  A close word.  A comfortable word.

The Holy Spirit got my attention next.  There are word pictures in Scripture.  Particularly in Psalms.  Speaking of our Heavenly Father tenderly covering us, His chicks, beneath his sheltering wings nestled therein.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield & rampart. Psalm 91:4

How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high & low men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 36:7

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster is passed.  Psalm 57:1

I do not know what wipe out or disaster you may be facing, Dear Reader, but I do know.  With certainty.  That our Faithful Father will be your rampart.  Your shield.  Your refuge.

Find yourself nestled into His wings.  And find yourself secure.

Would you consider sharing a note of praise or a request for prayer in the comments? 

'Tis the Season

‘Tis the season of giving.  Opportunities are everywhere.  Bell-ringers at storefronts.  Charities year-end needs in your mailbox.  Special offerings at your church.  ‘Tis the season we can be otherish in our love. 

Otherish love is God-powered, self-sacrificing, & other-centered.  Otherish love is God’s love.  “God so loved the world that he gave his one & only son,” says John 3:16 (italics added).

But with so many choices, what's a person to do?  Wouldn't it be nice as a follower of Christ to make Spirit-led choices?  Guilty-conscience choices can dominate your mind & rob your joy.

Your time.  Your talents.  Your treasures.  Each of these resources have limits.

How can you make good choices with your resources?

  • Know your heart.  What are you passionate about?  There will be many appeals to you, but which appeal best fits your God honoring, personal passion?
  • Know your budget.  Have you ever got into financial trouble through giving too much?  Not sure?  Think back to recall previous January’s credit card bills.  Give generously, Brothers & Sisters, but not at the expense of your financial obligations or into debt.
  • Know your God.  God is a giver.  He has blessed you with time, talents, & treasures to give.  Ask Him where He would have you give each of them & obey.
  • “No” what doesn’t fit.  If any request to give doesn’t fit the three “knows” above, then kindly say, “No, thank you,” with no regret.  You give as God calls.

I pray that you become more deeply aware of who God has called you to be & how He desires you to serve Him & others.

I pray that you give generously as you share God’s otherish love by word & deed as God calls.

I pray that you know God's abiding joy as you give this Christmas.

God so loved.

So He gave.

You so love.

'Tis the season.

To give.


Re.  Not “regarding” or “concerning."

The prefix.  "Again, anew" or "back, backward."

Re is a good place to be.

Reborn in Christ.

Redeemed at the cost of his life.

Reflecting his glory.

Revived by the Holy Spirit.

Rekindled in passion.

Restored to right relationships.

Receiving gracious blessings.

Resurrection expectation ahead.

Re is a good place to be.


Yet.  Re can be not so good.

Repeating the same old sins.

Rejecting God’s Word.

Recalcitrant to authority.

Resisting the Holy Spirit.

Rebellious in the face of Sovereignty.

Refusing to surrender control.

Removed from Jesus' care.

Reduced to self-sufficiency.

Re like that.  Not so good.


As the church, those following Christ of any denomination in any location, we talk about & pray about revival.  We schedule dates for revival meetings.  But meetings & calendars do not make revival.  The Holy Spirit brings revival by visiting God’s people who are thoroughly surrendered to Him in a supernatural way.  Repentance from sin.  Release of hurts.  Return to Christ.  Relying on him.  Remaining in him.  These lead to revival.

What will you choose?

What will I choose?

To surrender & serve?

Or to rebel & run?

Pray for yourselves & others to be completely surrendered.  Be prepared for attacks against you, your family & your church family as you pray.  Attacks that will divide unity & distract focus from the real, deep work of God.

Yet.  Pray.  Seek.  Beseech.

Lord, send revival.

Let it begin with me.